At Rubys Healing Crystals we have an assortment of Larimar. Larimar is believed to have pain-relieving properties. It can help alleviate joint pain, muscle pain, and other types of pain. Larimar is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and emotions. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, and promote relaxation and restful sleep.
Larimar is believed to have benefits for the thyroid gland. It can help regulate thyroid function and promote hormonal balance. Larimar is believed to have digestive benefits. It can help alleviate digestive issues such as acid reflux, bloating, and constipation. Larimar is believed to help improve communication skills. It can help you express yourself more clearly and effectively, and communicate your ideas and feelings with greater ease.
Larimar is believed to promote spiritual growth and awareness. It can help you connect with higher states of consciousness and deepen your understanding of the spiritual realm. Larimar is believed to promote creativity and self-expression. It can help you tap into your artistic side and express yourself through various forms of art. Larimar is believed to help promote inner peace and tranquility. It can help you let go of negative emotions and cultivate a sense of inner calm and harmony.